Royal Smiles Dental Clinic hyderabad Sindh


 Royal smile has been a hub of brilliance providing top-tier dental services in its modern high-tech clinic environment. Delivering excellence through the gentle hands of our expert staff in hyderabad , we have proudly made a lot of smiles all over the hyderabad.

Royal Smiles Clinic is a modern dental clinic, specialised in advanced diagnostics and treatment of dental disorders. We guarantee comprehensive diagnostics and offer various forms of dental care, surgical procedures, and cosmetic dental services.We have a team of qualified dentists with a wide range of specialization in different areas of dentistry & several years of experience.Our staff undergo continuous training & mentorship to be able to offer highly professional services.

We are giving in all treatment at  best afforrdable rates at our clinic that include general dentistry

A dental examination is a check-up by a qualified professional on the state of well-being of the teeth, the gums, and the whole mouth in general. Many people will only consider this examination once they have an issue in their mouth. That should not be the case.

The World Health Organization recommends every adult have a dental check-up at least twice a year, while every child should have a dental examination three to four times a year. These are the minimum dental visits that everyone should follow. Still, dentists worldwide have recommended that everyone visit a dentist at least once every six months for the best oral health.

Regular visits to the dentist will lead to the early discovery of any problem, which will be promptly addressed. It is important to note that many teeth and gum diseases develop in stages, and therefore, the earlier they are diagnosed, the better they will be treated.

Dentists have pointed out that many people have irreversible dental defects, lost teeth, and costly dental procedures, which could have been avoided if the patient had practised regular dental examinations.

Tooth cleaning is a professional service carried out by teeth hygienists or dentists to clean your teeth thoroughly. This exercise is performed on your teeth and gums to remove plaque or tartar and help prevent diseases and infections. Many people may be tempted to overlook this necessary procedure because they brush their teeth regularly. But that is not enough. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that every person have their teeth cleaned at least once a year, depending on their predisposition to gum diseases and infections.

According to dentists at the Royal Smiles Dental Clinic  hyderabad, children below the age of 16 should have their teeth professionally cleaned at least twice a year because they have actively developing dental formulae, which are more prone to developmental problems. Regular teeth examination and cleaning will help keep such diseases and infections at bay.

This article shall discuss the different kinds of teeth cleaning, what happens during the exercise, and the various advantages and disadvantages of the activity. Keep reading through the article to gain the best information about this topic.

A digital dental x-ray, 

also known as a dental radiograph, is an image of the mouth’s interior taken to show the state of your teeth and gums. The dentist then uses the images to check for problems and issues in your teeth and gums that would otherwise remain unseen. Dental x-rays are part of a >dental examination and should be viewed as a necessary tool for better oral health.

Dental x-rays are not everybody’s cup of tea, but dentists worldwide highly recommend them. You may not like them, but they are essential. According to dental experts at >the Royal Smiles Dental Clinic in Kenya, Some diseases and problems of the mouth, teeth, and gums are better treated when diagnosed and discovered early. Other conditions like gingivitis are irreversible when detected at the late stages. Dentists opine that dental radiographs are necessary for the early diagnosis and treatment of gingivitis.

Types of Dental X-Rays

The following are the main types of dental x-rays which are the most common among dentists, depending on what they want to see:

1. Bitewing dental x-rays

Bitewing x-rays are the most common among all dental x-rays. They are used to observe the exposed part of the tooth and half of the tooth root. These x-rays are for specific parts of the mouth, and the dentist can take several of them depending on what needs to be seen. These x-rays are used to detect tooth decay and changes in the jaw bone, especially those caused by gum disease.

For adults, dentists have four sets of bitewing x-rays, two for each side. That is important to have a better look at all the teeth, including the molars and the premolars. For children, one bitewing image per side will be enough.

To take a bitewing image, the dentist will ask you to bite on a plastic that will hold the x-ray against the upper and lower teeth.

2. Periapical dental x-rays

A periapical dental x-ray captures the whole tooth or teeth. It is used to capture the crown, the biting part, and the root, which is the area below the gum. These x-rays are used to detect any problems and issues in the tooth’s root and the surrounding bones that a naked eye would not see. They are the kind of x-rays that dentists use to discover and treat tooth abscesses. Periapical dental radiographs will detect gum and other diseases that cannot be seen naturally. They are essential for the early detection and treatment of such diseases and conditions that need attention as soon as they begin developing.

3. Full mouth dental x-ray

A full mouth dental x-ray is usually taken for new patients in a dental clinic. It is typically a combination of bitewing and periapical x-rays. Dentists use this x-ray as a baseline for future oral health treatments and consultations. These x-rays can also be taken if the dentist suspects a tumour or a cyst in the mouth. Root canals, tooth extractions, and gum disease treatment will also need a full mouth x-ray. Dentists will not usually take this kind of x-ray unless there is a specific reason or a specific suspicion. These x-rays are generally kept in a patient’s file until they are updated two to three years later.

Panoramic dental x-rays

A panoramic x-ray is used to capture the whole mouth in a single image. Unlike other x-rays that deal with a specific area or teeth, a panoramic x-ray depicts the upper and lower jaws, all the teeth, joints, and nasal area. The main difference between this x-ray and the others previously discussed is that it comes in a single image while the others come in multiple images. The other difference between this x-ray and others is that it is extraoral, meaning that the imaging machine is placed outside the mouth instead of inside, which is how the other x-rays are conducted.

A panoramic x-ray is mainly used to detect bone abnormalities, bone fractures, cysts, impacted teeth, infections, and tumours. According to the experts at >the Royal Smiles Clinic in Kenya, a panoramic x-ray can be used to plan for orthodontics, implants, and dentures.

5. Occlusal dental radiographs

Occlusal x-rays are used to monitor the development of each tooth or a section of teeth in the upper or lower jaw bone. Dentists also use this x-ray to find teeth that have not yet broken through. These x-rays are typically used in children who have actively developing dental structures. To keep your child’s teeth on the proper development course, it is vital to have this x-ray regularly.

Benefits of Dental X-Rays

According to the American Dental Association (ADA), dental radiographs are essential for adults and children.

In adults, they will show:

  • Teeth decay, especially those tiny areas between teeth that are hard to see by physical examination.
  • Tooth decay hidden by fillings. Fillings can hide decay which will not be noticed until it is too late.
  • Bone loss in the jaw, which will lead to the loosening of teeth.
  • Changes in the bone structure of the jaw caused by infections.
  • Condition and position of teeth to help the dentist prepare you for orthodontics, implants, dentures, and other teeth procedures.
  • Teeth abscesses, especially those at the root of the teeth. A tooth abscess, if not properly taken care of, will lead to tooth extraction.
  • Cysts and tumours, especially those that cannot be seen by the naked eye. Remember that early detection leads to early treatment.


In children, dental radiographs will show:

  • Decay, and if it is developing.
  • If the mouth has enough space to fit all the incoming teeth.
  • Bone loss in the jaw that will lead to poor teeth development.
  • The development of the wisdom teeth and those which are impacted.
  • The general development of the merged teeth.

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